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We use deep experience to get superior results.

We bring decades of experience working on a wide range of products for companies of all sizes -- startups to some of the biggest brands in the world. Our experience as entrepreneurs shapes our point of view about design: We understand how business works, appreciate the challenges  faced while bringing products to market, and know how to get high quality design into the hands of your customers.


Our Leadership


Jeff White

Founder and Head of Design

Designer of a variety of apps including Amazon's Kindle for iOS, Jeff is an agile UX design pioneer and entrepreneur with more than 20 years experience in consumer and B2B applications. Known as a pragmatic designer who gets results, he delivers products that reduce churn, engage users, and unlock growth for clients.


Kelly Scheck

Creative Director

Award-winning designer with 18 years of experience in creative direction and strategic design for highly successful brands including Lockheed Martin and Microsoft. With a natural affinity for efficiency gains, Kelly delivers visual solutions that build brand love, increasing market share and growth.

Our full service design team knows how to take products from an initial idea all the way through launch.

Alice Chu

Principal UX Designer

Nat Sims

Principal UX Designer

Hugh O'Connor

Sr. UX Design Lead

Nagy Botond

Sr. UX Designer

Ede Gabos

UX Designer

Nora Rodriguez

UX Designer

Anna Michaud

UX Designer

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